Freqently Asked Questions

Coaching is a future-focused working partnership between two people: the coach and the client. A coach provides a safe, confidential space for you to be your authentic self and feel comfortable discussing issues and challenges that you face. A coach supports you develop tools and identify strengths and solutions to overcome these challenges and achieve your goals. Coaching is built upon a foundation of trust, honesty, and openness and is client-led. A coach will act with empathy, support, and positivity, and will guide the coaching process, holding you accountable for achieving your actions.

The coach provides an objective, non-biased, and non-judgmental view, as someone with an interest in supporting you to succeed and seeking to empower you to believe in yourself and accomplish your goals. Ideally, your Personal Performance Coach should have the necessary qualifications and experience in coaching and have an understanding and/or experience of the issues and challenges you may be striving to overcome. It is also important that the coach you work with is the right ‘fit’ for you, so you feel comfortable sharing your personal and professional challenges and goals with them.

Personal Performance coaching is about personal growth and improvement and supports you to reflect upon your thoughts, beliefs, values, skills, and behaviours, and be able to identify your strengths, as well as areas for improvement so that your goals can be achieved. SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timebound) goals are set by you, the client, along with a deliverable action plan for achieving those goals. The coach works with you to provide coaching tools and techniques that support you in learning new skills that can help you to deal with life’s challenges, whether these are personal issues and behaviours that are impacting your home life, personal health and well-being, relationships, or are work-related influencing your performance at work. Together, the coach will partner with you so you can work on understanding these issues and consider how you can identify and implement actions to resolve them and achieve self-awareness, personal and/or professional growth.

Performance coaching can help anyone improve their performance in areas of their life where they believe change is needed. A performance coach will help you to self-reflect and understand why and what needs to change to improve things and personal performance coaching is available for everyone. The sessions usually last over a set period, with the coach bringing various coaching tools, methods, and techniques to enhance your self-awareness, skills, and knowledge to support you in overcoming challenges and developing and improving your performance.   

Personal performance coaching provides individually tailored coaching to support your personal needs, priorities, and goals. It can encourage new skills, mindsets, habits, and behaviours that can change your life. It looks at your strengths, any limiting beliefs that may be holding you back from moving forward, understanding your core values and how your goals align with these.

Personal growth can help you to find ways to reduce procrastination, reduce stress, and manage your emotional well-being. It can support you to maintain motivation and commitment, increase your confidence and enhance resilience and assertion. It can help you to improve communication skills, embrace a better work-life balance, manage burn-out, and look at career planning or life planning, such as retirement plans. Developing self-awareness and self-reliance so that you can make informed decisions to resolve your challenges and find a more fulfilled personal and/or professional life.

Professional growth can bring enhanced skills in the workplace, such as improved decision-making, increased motivation, more effective working relationships with colleagues, and renewed positive focus, purpose, and drive. Feedback and collaboration are key to successful personal performance coaching.

Senior leaders can benefit from a safe, confidential space for them to reflect and consider their role in complex organisational issues, challenges, and opportunities that they may need to overcome to make changes and move forward to achieve organisational goals.

At the start of each session, we will recap the general progress of actions you set from the previous session or celebrate achievements. We will then set a session goal to set out clearly what you would like to achieve by the end of the session. We then explore that goal and where you are currently, what you have progressed already, what strengths and experiences you have to bring to achieving that goal, what challenges might you need to consider and what resources you might need to support you move forward. With your agreement, I may challenge your beliefs where I believe this may benefit you in achieving your goals. We then explore options for achieving the goal, and then set actions for you to take forward from that list of options that will enable you to achieve that goal. Personal performance coaching ensures you remain motivated and accountable, as the coach tracks your progress each session, works with you to address gaps and delays, and celebrates your achievements with you.

Coaching sessions are for approximately 60-90 minutes (about 1 and a half hours). They can take place weekly, fortnightly, monthly, or whatever timeframe suits your needs and the time you need to progress towards your goals.

This depends on what you want to achieve with your coaching, as this will be a very personal decision based on the goal you wish to achieve. There are coaching packages available, but there is the option to discuss a personal package to suit your needs, albeit a minimum of three sessions is recommended.  

Coaching will mainly take place online via video calls using online tools such as Zoom or Teams, which the coach will forward to the client. Telephone coaching is also an option if preferred by the client who will be responsible for calling the coach. Face-to-face coaching can be arranged, where and if geographically possible depending on location and a venue that can provide the appropriate confidentiality.

  • Pay now or pay monthly (*for company bookings an invoice will be provided)
  • 1-1 coaching via Zoom/Teams, or by phone, (or face-to-face, where geographically possible)
  • Tools and resources to support your individual goals
  • Post coaching review call 3 months after coaching
  • Flexible rescheduling 24 hours before sessions
  • Full refund of remaining costs if you need to cancel

Coaching costs are set at a similar amount to many other professional charges and are very reasonably priced per session, because I believe it is important for coaching to be accessible to as many people as possible so they can find support to move forward with their life goals. 

Invest in yourself 

The coach provides continuous guidance, support, and encouragement, but personal performance coaching is focused on you being open, honest, proactive, committed, and serious about taking responsibility for actions to achieve change. You take ownership of your self-development and responsibility for unlocking your potential and maximizing your performance.

The first step is to please contact me via the Get in touch form. We will set up an introductory meeting online or by phone, which is usually about 30 minutes. This provides an opportunity for us to get to know a bit more about each other and go through the coaching process. I look forward to speaking to you soon and to supporting you on your personal performance coaching journey.