Invest in your team

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”

Your team is your greatest asset. Every team member brings unique ideas, skills, and experience, providing diversity and creativity to any team. Investing in your team members can support their personal and professional growth, adding value to positive team relationships.

Sponsoring one-to-one coaching for team members can provide them with a safe, confidential space that supports self-development and continuous learning, and can help to empower and motivate them to reach their full potential and achieve their personal and professional needs and growth. 

  • Strong Teamwork
  • Shared Purpose & Commitment
  • Effective Communication
  • Trust & Respect
  • Adaptability & Growth
  • Valuing Each Other
  • Accountability

DISC Group Dynamics Report

Understanding how personality and communication style preferences can impact team dynamics, can support you to build effective team relationships. A DISC Group Dynamics Report can help you look at the behavioral strengths and characteristics of each team member independently as well as collectively.

We all want to feel understood and have a positive rapport with the other people around us. DISC can improve communication and team relationships by reducing the focus on personal traits and highlighting preferred styles of working and communication, helping teams appreciate their differences.

  • Each team member will be sent an online multiple-choice questionnaire containing between 80 to 100 different questions. It normally takes about 25 minutes to complete this questionnaire.
  • Each team member receives an individual 15-page DISC Personality Profiling Report.
  • A 22-page Group Dynamics Report is forwarded to you.
  • A feedback session can be arranged for you and your team.

Bespoke Activities to Meet Your Charity Needs

Leading a charity is a complex business with unique challenges and opportunities and Carla Jones Consultancy can provide bespoke mentoring, facilitation, and consultancy support for charity boards and their teams.

If your charity is looking for support with Board Governance and Processes, Strategy Development, Board and Team Collaboration or other activities to support you to meet the needs of your beneficiaries, then please do get in touch if you would like to discuss bespoke activities to meet your charity needs.